
Thursday, 23 August 2018

From weight loss to heart patients keeps healthy Peanuts - Often people like to eat peanuts in roasted peanuts, peanut salty or other forms. But do you know that by eating peanuts, you can avoid many diseases. Yes, today we are going to tell you about these benefits of peanuts. 

Peanuts: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits:

- Peanut is good for the heart. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. Peanuts reduce the likelihood of stomach cancer, breast cancer and fungal infections

- Peanuts are a very good source of many minerals required for the body such as iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, copper.

- An element found in peanut niacin increases the flow of blood in the brain, which prevents Alzheimer's disease, nervous system vaccines.

- Groundnut eating decreases the possibility of diabetes. By eating peanuts in a balanced quantity daily, the probability of diabetes is less than 21%. An element called manganese found in peanuts controls blood sugar, helps in the absorption of calcium in the body and makes metabolism faster.

- If you want to avoid the stone in the cheek bladder, eat peanuts. By eating peanuts or peanut butter, the probability of becoming cheek bladder stone decreases by 25%.

- Peanut intake is good in prevention and treatment of Depression. In peanut, there is an aminoseidid called tryptophan which increases the secretion of mood-repair hormone serotonin. By which the mood is good and the mind becomes calm.

- For the good development of the growing children, they must take peanut intake. In the peanut, the proper amount of amino acids and proteins required for the body is found, which are good for body growth.

- Eat peanuts and sharpen your mind. Yes ! The vitamin B3 found in peanuts accelerates the brain process, memory improves. In addition to this, a flavonoid called Reservatrol, which increases the blood flow in the brain by 30%, keeps the brain healthy and active.

- Mungfali has a rich amount of fiber. It is also a good source of energy, so it does not seem to be hungry early on food. That is why we should take peanuts for weight management.

- Disables the famous peanut free radicals for its antioxidant quality. By eating boiled groundnut, the quality of antioxidant, called Biochanin-A and Genistein, also increases.

- Iron found in peanuts increases red blood cells. Calcium found in peanuts strengthens bones and reduces the chance of getting osteoporosis in a growing age.

- Vitamin E found in peanuts brings brightness in the skin and keeps skin diseases such as dryness away. It maintains skin elasticity, which does not affect the effect of aging on skin.

Peanuts Benefits 
Amazing Health Benefits and Uses Of Peanuts (Mungfali) For Skin:

Peanut is very good for health. It is rich in protein.

Peanuts contain calcium, which makes the bones strong.

Peanut oil is very beneficial for heart patients.

Peanut can be eaten by frying or sprouting.

Eating peanuts does not cause constipation, gas and acidity.

Peanuts reduce appetite, which helps in reducing weight.

Feeding peanuts to the children instead of junkfood is a healthy option.

Pregnant women get peanut Vitamin B-12

The treasure of many nutritious elements is peanut.

Peanut is also very beneficial for the skin.

Note: Before you start any suggestion or start treatment, consult your doctor / expert.

Precautions in peanut food:

Thyroid patients should not eat peanuts. The ingredient called Goitrogens found in it can unbalance the process of thyroid gland. Peanut is a high calorie seed, excessive consumption can lead to obesity, so eat it in a balanced quantity. Do not eat mungfali in patients with kidney or cheek bladder too.

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